Monday, October 27, 2008

Pix are posted!

Whew! What a day! Of course I'm a bit of a perfectionist so I kept retaking photos! AUGH! Made myself crazy ... put on top of that a 6 year old with a sore throat and it makes for a challenging afternoon.

But, I posted 4 cupcakes! WA HOO! I'm hoping to create a couple more tonight ... any ideas would be welcomed! They are super cute & will make great stocking stuffers or gifts! They also make super cute birthday gifts.

So take a look at my little "babies". I've named them! They are Flora, Fifi, Dotty & LuLu ... they just have such personality that I had to name them! Enjoy!

Have a great night everyone!


Sunday, October 26, 2008

Hi everyone!

Just a quick blog to announce our entry into the wonderful world of blogging! {{Pause for clapping!}} We are a new Etsy dealer featuring whimsical items to bring fun into every day life.

Thanks for all the support & we look forward to working you!